Everyone has experienced the damages caused by COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported almost 7 million lives taken as of November 22, 2023. Many of those deaths were the lives of people’s families and friends, but many of them were healthcare workers. WHO had estimated that about 180 thousand healthcare workers could’ve been infected and have died as a result of COVID-19. However, some of these deaths were prevented with the vaccinations of the providers. Data reported by WHO suggests that as of September 2021, about 2 in 5 health and care workers were fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Healthcare workers have a bigger risk of contracting Covid-19. During the peak of COVID-19, mortality rates of healthcare workers increased since they spent most of their time in contact with infected patients at hospitals.
As of 2023, COVID-19 cases have decreased significantly, however, the long-lasting impact on healthcare systems and the mental and emotional toll on healthcare workers still lingers. The big question is, how do we prevent such a tragedy from happening in the future?
The answer is simple: Vaccinations. But what are vaccinations? And how do they work?
Vaccinations are a safe and effective way of triggering and strengthening your natural immune system, safely exposing your immune system to pathogens. Almost everybody can get vaccinated, though some cases such as chronic diseases and treatments may not allow you to receive a vaccination. In those cases, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for protecting against infectious diseases.
If you are unsure, please ask your doctor for more information. Vaccinations are how healthcare workers were protected and spared from COVID-19. Vaccinations have proven to be a vital tool in our fight against infectious diseases, safeguarding not only individuals but also the broader community.